Saw Tools Guide

How to Sharpen a Bow Saw? – A Complete Step by Step Guide

When it comes to cutting large metal pipes, wood, PVC material, and other elements, you can say that a bow saw is considered the better option. Anyone can use a bow saw as it has a large blade to cut down anything with ease. If you are new to using a bow saw then the common issue you might face is during the sharpening of the bow saw.

The sharpness of the blade fades after hours of use. When the blade is not sharp enough, using it becomes tedious and requires lots of hard work. Instead of keep on using an unsharp blade, you can opt for DIY methods to sharp it again. A single blade can last for many uses with sharpening.

Steps To Sharpen a Bow Saw

If you don’t know the right method, follow the below-mentioned step by step guide –

bow saw sharpening

Step 1 – Begin from Triangular Teeth

The triangular teeth of a bow saw give the ability to cut any material with ease. When the blade is not sharp, it means that the triangular teeth lost their shape. To begin, start by setting up your saw safely in a vice. There are similar devices to a vice that can help to hold the blade in a fixed position.

Step 2 – File at 75˚ with a Grinding Rod

Once the blade is mounted, start filing in the inward direction at a 75˚ angle. Keep it slow, maintain the accuracy of your movement and keep doing it. However, you must do it alternately. Go for the first triangular teeth and then move to the third teeth of the saw. By this, you will get a finely sharp side. Keep on doing the same in one direction and once you are done, change the side.

Step 3 – Filing the Opposite side of the blade

Once you are done at one side, you can mark unfiled triangular teeth. File rest of teeth with the same movement at 75˚ angle. By this time, you will get a sharp blade. It takes time and using the same hand movement will get you a finely sharpened blade. As if you have already sharpened the blade in the same method several times or someone else did this for you, then this blade might not offer similar quality results again. In this case, buying a new blade is a better choice.

Step 4 – Setting the Teeth Right

You must do the teeth in an outward direction using the same file. The process is quite similar and you will be doing it in the alternative direction to enhance the cutting ability of the blade. You can use a three-square saw file and expect great use. This method will help you make fine directional moves to sharpen the blade. If you are working on something like a rip-cut saw then you have to maintain a 60˚ angle for a better result.

Step 5 – Test it Out for Double-Check

To test a newly sharpened blade, you can use any material, but going with wooden blocks is a better choice. Start using the blade at a slow pace and pay attention to the amount of pressure you are applying. If there is any issue with the cutting in any part of the blade, mark it, and then sharpen those triangular teeth again. This tactic will take a significant amount of time to file the whole blade equally, but you will get impressive results.

Bottom Line

Once you have followed all the above-mentioned steps, you will have a finely sharp bow saw, that can cut into any wooden or PVC material. Make sure that you choose the right type of file to get effective sharpening and excellent results. Using safety gears can ensure a comforting and reliable experience while sharpening a blade. Make sure that you use the right tools and do not hurry while sharpening the blade.

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