Saw Tools Guide

How To Sharpen A Hole Saw {A Beginner’s Guide}

Sharpening a hole saw is extremely difficult and most people do not even try sharpening. While the majority of hole saws come designed to be sharpened and reused, most people neglect doing it. As hole saw have a circular shape and have a complex structure, most people assume the sharpening to be complicated. In fact, for a beginner, it would be difficult, but, once you master the skills and knowledge, it is not a difficult task. In this article, we would explain and help you sharpen your hole saw with ease.

How To Know Your Hole Saw Requires Sharpening?

You must have heard about hole saws which are used for making circular holes. Sometimes it may get blunt. The device is extensively used in the plumbing industry. The tool may lose its sharpness because of regular use. You need to follow some tips to sharpen the hole saw. In this part, you will learn about this process.

  • You can experience the bluntness of the hole saw when it becomes a failure to cut or create gaps on the surface. You can use a universal sharpener to increase the sharpness of the hole saw.
  • You will also realize that the teeth of the hole saw become round, and it often fails to cut through the surface. This is another indication through which you will know that the device is losing its sharpness.
  • A hole saw is responsible for drilling. If you find while drilling you have to devote much force and pressure it indicates that the device is losing its sharpness.
  • In case you are unable to increase the sharpness of the hole saw, you can replace it by buying a new one. Hole saws are available at a low price in comparison to other devices. This device does not cost a fortune.

Using sharpening blade and revolving head set up

Hole Saw

Step 1: Release the hole saw from the machine and then load it in the vice grip at the drill end of the sharpener you are using. The drill end of the sharpener might look like a chuck grip that is commonly found on regular drills out there these days. Once you load the hole saw, tighten the chuck grip using the key provided.

Note – Do not overdo it, too much pressure could deform the hole saw.

Step 2: Now, you need to lose the revolving head and bring it closer to the blade. Tighten the hole saw and the head in such a way that it does not move or revolve during the process.

Step 3: Use a head angle changer and if you do not have one, consider purchasing one. With the head, the angle changer adjusts the hole saw angle in such a way that teeth are at the proper angle to the sharpener.

Step 4: Now, with a marker or a sharpie you need to mark below the teeth you are going to start sharpening. This would in turn help you avoid confusion and double revolution.

Step 5: Turn on the machine now, press the teeth of the hole saw against the sharpening blade carefully. Remember, if you find a slight difference in angle, you need to stop and adjust the hole saw to the proper angle.

Step 6: Sharpen each tooth on the hole saw only for less than 4-seconds. Remember, always tighten the revolving head after each tooth, if the head moves, the sharpening blade could destroy the tooth. Once any one of the teeth on the hole saw is destroyed, the hole saw is worthless. There is nothing to be done.

Using a small grinding wheel/stone

While this method is not commonly used, few of the experts who I know personally recommended following this procedure. For this method, the user needs to have a small grinder and a vice. The grinder should have the smallest grinding stone on it.

Step 1: Remove the hole saw from the machine

Step 2: Load the hole saw in a vice carefully.

Step 3: The teeth of the hole saw should be facing you

Step 4: Now, pick up the portable grinding machine, do not turn it on.

Step 5: Bring the grinding machine closer to the hole saw and check if the angle is okay and if the grinding wheel could match the tooth angle. If not adjust the hole saw accordingly.

Step 6: Remember, the hole saw should be held firm, it should not slip away or move while sharpening. Therefore, you could place wood logs on both sides to prevent them from moving.

Step 7: Now, turn on the grinding machine and then slowly start sharpening each wheel. Take your time, do not hurry, if you want maximum sharpness to spend some time on the sharpening process.

On each tooth, you should not use the grinding machine for more than 4-second. Remember, each wheel should be given equal importance and equal sharpening time, do not overdo any teeth. If the sharpening is not even, the hole saw would lose its efficiency.

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